Quickly get software projects from idea to adoption

Helping startups to innovative groups at Fortune 50 companies develop B2B and enterprise software

Explore Examples Our Experience

Bringing 30+ years of building startups and platforms

Hackheads and Founder experience

Surgical training platform for Johnson & Johnson

3D order configurator and ERP system for custom building manufacturer

E-commerce platform for all of University of Pennsylvania’s online degrees and programs

Online communities for online degrees sold to venture-backed LMS company

Sales rep asset management for EMC

Fractional CTO for IRL entertainment startup

Venture-backed derivatives pricing network sold to CME

Online media and marketplace for small businesses

Financial analysis software for mid-market industrials sold to investment bank

It’s About Being a Trusted Partner

The experience to know the technical strategies available for a given context and the associated business trade-offs. Experience building platforms that get adoption.


Execution comes from processes and strategies based on years of successful results. It comes from clearly breaking down objectives into actionable steps. It comes from fielding a team that knows what winning looks like.


Being a trusted partner means approaching projects as if it were our own company. Having started and grown successful software companies, what would we do? What options would we look at for ourselves? How would we structure objective-driven ROI analysis?


Some Client Use Cases

Rent the expertise and execution capabilities that comes from successfully starting, growing, and selling multiple tech companies and from managing dozens of software projects for clients

  • I’m a non-technical founder, how do I go from I having an idea to adoption?

  • How do I find product market fit?

  • How do I prioritize features and build a product roadmap?

  • How do analyze buy vs build?


  • I need someone to oversee the digitization of my manufacturing business

  • I need someone who can own a software development project

  • I need someone who can build and grow a new technical product line

  • I need someone to manage my in-house product, design, and engineering teams

  • I need someone who knows how build a B2B SaaS organization

Fractional Technical Management

  • We need a cost-effective partner that can build quickly

  • We need flexibility in expanding our development resources

  • We need an external team that can move more quickly than in-house resources

  • We need a team that we can trust to execute

Software Development

Let’s Chat

Hi. I’m Edward Daciuk. Founder of Hackheads. I’ve helped start, build, and sell 4 tech startups. In addition I’ve helped dozens of companies get ideas from start to growth. I look forward to seeing if Hackheads can help get your projects from implementation to success.